Companies and Industry

We provide services for approximately 4,000 business entities.

The Marius Pedersen Group provides waste management services in the following regions of Slovakia: Trenčín, Bratislava, Levice, Veľký Krtíš, Pezinok, Šamorín, Piešťany, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Stará Turá, Nováky, Zvolen, Krupina, Banská Bystrica, Vysoké Tatry, Kežmarok, Poprad, Vranov nad Topľou, Košice, Hlohovec, Sabinov, Nitra , Levice, Nová Baňa, Slovenská Ľupča and others. It actively carries out the collection, transport, disposal of municipal waste, industrial and hazardous waste in these regions, providing these services to approximately 4,000 businesses, industrial enterprises and retail chains.

It uses a variety of technologies in waste management so as to maximize the potential of the material and energy value of waste.

Business partners include companies that represent the elite of business entities in terms of environmental protection, and which have obtained international quality management certificates also thanks to their uncompromising approach to creating and protecting the environment.

We consider the fact that these companies chose one of the companies belonging to the Marius Pedersen group in Slovakia as the service provider among many companies to be a recognition of the professional quality and correctness of our company.

The basic objectives of the company include appropriately helping to solve the problems of its partners in the Slovak Republic in the field of waste management, while actively influencing the improvement of the environment in the regions where the Marius Pedersen Group provides its services.