Hazardous waste is waste which, by its properties (in particular toxicity, infectiveness, irritability, explosiveness, flammability, chemical properties, carcinogenic properties, is or may be hazardous to public health or the environment. This category includes waste generated by certain industries, radioactive waste, slaughterhouse waste, rendering plants, hospitals and others.
Marius Pedersen provides hazardous waste management services. The services cover the entire spectrum of hazardous waste management, with the exception of radioactive waste and explosives. It concerns the collection of waste from the producers, transport, storage, treatment and final recovery or disposal of waste.
All hazardous waste is managed in full accordance with the applicable legislation, including the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road – ADR Agreement. With regard to the performed activity related to the transport of dangerous goods by road, Marius Pedersen complies with the requirements of the ADR Agreement within the meaning of which it ensures: